Volunteer Opportunities
We are looking for youth sports coaches.
A coach is the one of the most influential individuals in our society. It has been said that a coach will influence more people in one year than most people will in a lifetime. CYAL seeks to equip and encourage coaches to grow in their faith and become transformational in how they coach their athletes and influence other coaches.
Youth Mentoring
We are looking for people who want to invest in our teens. Mentors are important and help to build up and guide teens educationally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Specific Days/Times: To be determined
Volunteer Opportunities
Register for one-time volunteer opportunities OR sign up to be notified when we have one-time needs.
If interested in group opportunities, click button below to let us know more about your group. Currently looking for groups of 10 or less.
Church Partnerships
Whether you choose to serve from your church, or with CYAL directly, we invite your faith community to participate in the work God is doing through CYAL as we help build the Kingdom, here on earth.
* Educational Resources - Host a speaker or collaborate with the body to host an event
* Service Opportunities - Set up one-time or ongoing service opportunities for all ages and abilities. Serve at your campus or ours.
* Build authentic, lasting relationships - Explore common bonds across cultures. Build lasting and genuine ties with the local community.
Business Partnerships
Why Partner with CYAL? To participate in our community's transformation. To enhance corporate culture. For good-cause marketing.
A Two-Way Street
We take pride in forging “win-win” corporate partnerships that efficiently benefit both sides. We never take without looking at how we can give to your vision for corporate engagement.
The Ability to Think BIG
CYAL is large enough in scope and youthful enough to think big. We are also small enough to be personal, flexible, and creative—rallying around a partnership that’s unique to you.
- Give -
Participate in the giving opportunities that get you excited and fuel your businesses' passion for community engagement.
1. Support CYAL
Underwrite an entire program or fund a specific need
Sponsor a community event or fundraiser
2. Volunteer
Specialized volunteer services for a specific project
Fill regular volunteer positions—one time and ongoing
3. Hire from CYAL's employment center, Workforce Enablement…
Job shadowing and career pathing for students.
4. Host a Lunch & Learn to increase momentum around your workplace giving or corporate match
We can bring speakers and educational resources to your business campus
Host a combined volunteer/fundraising event focused around a corporate match
- Get -
Enhance your corporate culture and facilitate meaningful opportunities for your employees.
1. Meaningful engagement opportunities for employees
2. Special event experiences connect you to a network of prospective partners
3. Access to speakers for corporate functions
4. Co-marketing, publicity, and press release
Our partners